30 May 1970:
Sqn (-) remains Nui Dat. 1 Troop reacted from protection of road team on Route 2 to support 8RAR in bunker operation, 2 Troop remained with mine clearing team at NDP Bridget. 3 Troop supporting 7RAR from Horseshoe, 4 troop supporting 2RAR from [FSB] Nola.
31 May 1970:
Sqn (-) remains Nui Dat. 1 Troop remained in support 8RAR bunker contact area, 2 Troop remained with mine clearing team at NDP Bridget, 3 Troop supporting 7RAR and land clearing team from Horseshoe, 4 troop supporting 2RAR from [FSB] Nola, SHQ tanks deployed to replace 1 Troop in protective task for road team route 2.
During [the] period tanks have actively supported their various tasks by carrying out night and day ambushes and RIFs as a daily occurrence. Primarily the tanks operated from a set night location and were prepared to react to specific points when required. Usually Troops were grouped with APCs and infantry.
The Squadron has continued active support of the 1ATF Civic Action Project, by continuing the painting and rebuilding of Ngai Giao YS 463795 and the building of a dispensary in the village. Both tasks are to be continued in June.
Included are Sqn monthly vehicle states and monthly mileage statistics. SHQ mileage is accounted for by the amount of liaison carried out using APCs and the protection by these APCs of resupply tasks carried out by Admin Troop vehicles.
1 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained Nui Dat. 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Cathy; 2 Tp at NDP Bridgit provided protection for mine clearing team,
4 Tp supported 2RAR; 1 Tp protected road construction Route 2.
2Tp contacted one VC who escaped without result. Enemy moved from within bunker system consisting of 18 bunkers.
2 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported road construction Route 2, no movement; 2 Tp supported mine clearing team at
NDP Bridgit with infantry and APCs; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2RAR with independent reconnaissance
in force. Bridge layer used as APC.
3 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported road construction Route 2, no movement; 2 Tp returned to Nui Dat from mine
clearing team; 3 Tp land clearing team protection and moved to NDP Bridgit for comms task; 4 Tp operated in support of 2RAR
in AO Wickham .
4 June 1970:
1 Tp supported road construction Route 2, moved with D&E Platoon in immediate area; 2 Tp at Nui Dat; 3 Tp conducted RIF from Bridgid, reacting to Nui Dat 2 late PM to assist infantry platoon in contact. Failed to make RV as too late to enter area; 4 Tp supported 2RAR in AO Whickham.
5 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported road construction Route 2; 2 Tp maintenance Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2RAR from FSB Nola.
6 June 1970:
As above.
7 June 1970:
1 Tp supported road construction, reacted to support 8RAR during afternoon; 2 Tp remained Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2RAR in AO Wickham.
1 Tp located and destroyed old bunker system.
1 Tp located and destroyed old trench system.
8 June 1970:
1 Tp op con to 8RAR returned to road team during day; 2 Tp remained Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe, then night ambush; 4 Tp supported 2RAR in AO Wickham with independent RIF.
General Note:
Release of 1 Tp to 8RAR incorrectly co-ordinated between 1ATF/8RAR. Engineers unaware of change! Procedure clarified for future ops.
9 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported road construction Route 2; 2 Tp at Nui Dat for maintenance and R&C; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from the Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Wickham.
10 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported road construction Route 2 and carried out night "Thunder Run"; 2 Tp at Nui Dat for maintenance and R&C; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from the Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Wickham.
11 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp returned from road construction; 2 Tp R&C from Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from the Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Wickham. 3 Tp Bogged!
12 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp departed in support of D&E Platoon in AO Centaur; 2 Tp supported land clearing team in AO Betsy; 3 Tp supported 7RAR, but remain bogged; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
Moving from FSB Nola to FSB Tess, one shot fired near 4 Tp. Separate After Action Report.
13 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported D&E Platoon in AO Centaur; 2 Tp supported 7RAR/land clearing team in AO Betsy; 3 Tp supported 7RAR AO Betsy, but remain bogged (increased to five MBTs); 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
14 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp continued to support D&E Platoon, but reacted to support 8RAR during day; 2 Tp land clearing team; 3 Tp supported 7RAR (debogging); 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
15 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported D&E Platoon in AO Centaur; 2 Tp supported land clearing team in AO Betsy; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
2 Tp located two weapon pits unused for three months.
16 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported D&E Platoon in AO Centaur, unable to move south due to bad going; 2 Tp supported land clearing team in AO Betsy; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Betsy; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
4A struck mine while moving from night ambush location. Mine of two RPGs penetrated twice, causing ammo fire and extensive damage. Vehicle Beyond Local Repair. Trooper Hyson burns to arms while fighting fire. No other injuries.
Mini-team located 15lb mine in area of 4A detonation.